Press Releases & Media

Events and Conferences

United Kingdom,

Simon From The Task Force Is Taking Aid To Ukraine Again

Simon Cassidy is a dedicated rail sector colleague from the operator First Rail and Member of our Task Force. This week, Simon will once again transport essential aid donated for Ukraine to the Humanitarian Hub in Poland.

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154% Growth: Czechia is the Hidden Gem of EU Passenger Rail

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New European Commission Study Confirms the Benefits of Competition in Passenger Rail

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Belgique: la SNCB est-elle un État dans l’État ?


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Is Belgian Railways (NMBS/SNCB) A State Within The State?

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Portugal: Ridiculously Cheap Rail Pass Will Cost Hundreds of Millions and Have Serious Negative Results, Undermining Rail Market Opening

A new €20 rail pass has been announced by the Portuguese Government. It will give unlimited travel on all subsidised trains around the entire country for a whole month – including long-distance Intercity services.

Meanwhile, commercially driven Open Access services and future high-speed trains on similar long-distance routes as the Intercity services will be severely cannibalised.

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Passe Absurdamente Barato Vai Custar Centenas de Milhões de Euros aos Contribuintes Com Resultados Muito Negativos, Prejudicando os Benefícios da Abertura do Mercado Ferroviário

O novo passe ferroviário de 20€ por mês que foi anunciado pelo Governo Português permitirá viagens ilimitadas a qualquer passageiro em todos os comboios operados pela CP à exceção apenas do Alfa Pendular – incluindo os comboios de longa distância Intercidades.

Entretanto, os atuais serviços comerciais abertos à concorrência (i.e., o Alfa Pendular), e os futuros serviços de alta velocidade, prestados em trajetos de longa distância semelhantes aos do Intercidades, serão severamente canibalizados.

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Draghi Report Makes It Clear: The EU Rail Market Remains Fragmented

In his report on the Future of EU Competitiveness, Mario Draghi laments the fragmentation of the EU passenger rail system. 

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Evidence Shows Vertical Integration In Switzerland Does Not Work

Backers of the current Swiss rail system claim that the vertical integration of infrastructure manager and operator is highly efficient, with a large amount of taxpayer money spent on infrastructure.
In reality, vertical integration only funds a large lobby that indulges in self-PR. Indeed, the evidence shows a different story.

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PSO Subsidies For Me, But Not For Thee: SJ’s Curious Case Of Double Standards

In her interview with Swedish news outlet DN, SJ's CEO Monica Lingegård said: “Given the regions’ finances and the need to be careful with taxpayers' money, you need to ensure that you do not compete with commercial traffic unnecessarily. That we let commercial traffic live and grow in a good way”. However, it seems SJ's stance on taxpayer-funded competition changes depending on which side of the subsidy cheque they are on.

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Simon From The Task Force Is In Ukraine, During One Of The Toughest Weeks

Simon Cassidy, a dedicated rail sector colleague from First Rail and a Member of our Task Force, travelled to Ukraine two weeks ago. This week he is in Kyiv, visiting our partners at Ukrainian Railways and the Trade Union of Railway and Transport Builders of Ukraine.

Kyiv and other cities have come under sustained arial attack almost all week long, and Simon has spent most of the week hearing sirens go off and sleeping in an air raid shelter.

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You Can Create a Single European Railway Area Over the Next 5 Years

After six months, Armand Duthil is coming to the end of his traineeship at ALLRAIL. During this period, he witnessed the elections in both parliaments of the European Union and of his home country, France.

Therefore, at the end of his time with us, we asked: “How do you see the Future of Passenger Rail?" 

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The Netherlands,

Majority of the Dutch Favour Market Opening Over Even More Subsidy for Dutch Railways (NS)

A recent panel study reveals public opinion favours introducing more market opening as the most effective solution to the problems facing state-owned incumbent operator Dutch Railways ('NS'), rather than just giving NS more taxpayer subsidy.

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Meerderheid Nederlanders Wil Meer Marktopening, Boven Nog Meer Subsidies Voor Nederlandse Spoorwegen (‘NS’)

Uit een recente panelstudie blijkt dat de publieke opinie de invoering van meer marktopening als de meest effectieve oplossing beschouwt voor de problemen van Nederlandse Spoorwegen ('NS'), in plaats van het verstrekken van meer belastinggeld.

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Integrated Rail Bodies Do Not Create Simplicity – They Create Bureaucracy

Germany’s state-owned rail incumbent Deutsche Bahn (DB) is often held up as a role model of a vertically integrated rail body – managing track and trains together. But the facts tell a different story.

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Special Olympic Train Got Shorter Even Before the Games Ended – Because Most Passengers in France Cannot Find It

Merely two weeks after its launch in the framework of the Paris Olympic Games, the new joint SNCB/SNCF Paris-Brussels train's length was halved due to a lack of passengers resulting from the fact that SNCF's in-house ticket retail channels do not sell it.  

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The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Will Only Be Optimised If There Is Modern, Interoperable Rolling Stock

The proposed strategic investment in rail infrastructure in the recently announced Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants will only be optimised if there are modern, interoperable trains that can use it. However, modern, interoperable trains come with very high acquisition and upgrading costs. Therefore, it is crucial that the EU enables sufficient non-discriminatory funding to support the implementation of the latest interoperability technologies.

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Ursula von der Leyen Correctly Identifies Ticketing Fragmentation as the Biggest Problem in EU Passenger Rail

In her Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission, the re-elected President of the EU Commission Dr Ursula von der Leyen correctly identifies the fragmentation of ticketing as the biggest problem in EU passenger rail. The next 5 years of the new EU Commission will be crucial to legislate and introduce solutions – it is Now or Never.

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Join Us in Supporting Humanitarian Efforts to Ukraine

The Global Ukraine Rail Task Force is proud to highlight the highly commendable humanitarian efforts of Simon Cassidy, a dedicated rail sector colleague from First Group and Member of our Task Force.

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Transmodel is the Only Rail Ticketing Standard that Ensures Transparency and Non-Discrimination for Passengers

Transmodel is the technical standard that is best suited for creating impartial and seamless ticketing in passenger rail. It provides passengers with all possibilities to plan their rail journey and is the only ticketing standard that is fully transparent.

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Joint Declaration of the ERTMS Stakeholders

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Brussels & London,

Open Access is Now – Private Investment is Proven to Grow the Rail Sector IF Certain Barriers to Entry Are Broken Down

Now, just 2 and a half years after its launch, Lumo is already profitable and significantly boosting the profits of its parent company, First Group.

What is the difference to the EU?

▶ In the UK, there is impartial retail – All Rail Tickets Sold At All Rail Ticket Vendors – e.g. it is regulated that LNER sells Lumo (and vice-versa). The priority is Full Transparency for passengers.
▶ There is a vibrant rolling stock market. Despite being entirely Open Access, Lumo has a brand-new fleet, funded by a leasing company.
▶ Track Access Charges are much lower, especially for new Open Access services - unlike the 17.7% increase that is foreseen in Germany next year.

Conclusion: Open Access works – but sadly, we are still a long way from achieving Lumo-style newcomers in the EU.

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EU Rail Capacity Management Needs 6 Key Success Factors

The EU needs to move from annual, manual and national system to a flexible, digital and European one. There must be cooperation in a competitive market.Therefore, there are Six Key Success Factors that are necessary.

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Joint statement on the Agency becoming a registration entity for railway vehicles


AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, EAL, EIM, ERFA, UIP, UIRR and UNIFE support the implementation of the centralised registration function as the European Vehicle Register (EVR) defined in the Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/1614 of 25 October 2018 and the corresponding transfer of the relevant data of registered vehicles from the National Vehicle Registers to the EVR.

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Special Statement about Brightline in the USA

22 September 2023: today, the privately owned passenger rail operator Brightline will start regular, scheduled Intercity services between the two largest transport hubs in Florida: Miami and Orlando.

ALLRAIL congratulates Brightline on the milestone that it has achieved today and hopes that this will be the start of a new era of privately owned operators playing a major role in the US Intercity rail market.


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Special statement on the EU Commission’s revised Interpretative Guidelines for public service obligations in land transport

ALLRAIL supports the EU Commission's new Interpretative Guidelines concerning Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road, that were published on 22nd June 2023.


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European rail sector’s joint statement on the revised Taxonomy Delegated Acts

ALLRAIL, together with the Community of the European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM), the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP) and the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE), issued recommendations to the European Commission regarding its proposal for amending the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act and the Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act.

We, the European rail sector, reaffirm our readiness to work with EU Institutions to make the EU Taxonomy successful.

Read the sector's joint statement

[Joint Statement] Multimodal Digital Mobility Services – Ambition needed to increase consumer choice and ease sustainable travel

The undersigned organisations, representing diverse interests from across the mobility sector (such as consumers, business travelers, rail new entrants, travel intermediaries) express their strong support for the EU Commission's upcoming initiative on a Regulation on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS).

However, we voice our strong concerns regarding the presented scope of obligations for transport operators. To fully achieve its ambitious objectives, the MDMS Regulation must cover relevant players of all modes, meaning those with a certain degree of market power.

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Sector statement on Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC)

On 21 September 2022 at the Innotrans trade fair in Berlin, the European railway sector (including ALLRAIL) handed over the Sector Statement on Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) to the European Commission, represented by DG MOVE's Director General Henrik Hololei.

This Sector Statement on the DAC showcases the need and the advantages to roll-out this innovative device across the European railway system in an accelerated and concerted manner, presents the commitment of the European railway sector and calls the European Commission, the Members States and the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) to action.

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United States,

Europe was on the brink of a night train revolution. Here’s what actually happened

Nick Brooks, secretary general of ALLRAIL, a pressure group representing non-state train operators, told CNN that national rail companies have an unfair advantage over new entrants.

“Politicians must be clear: the night train market will be effectively closed for a very long time,” he says. “This runs contrary to the goals of the single EU rail market – which is madness when a clear and efficient alternative model already exists.”

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ALLRAIL: CEF will only be optimised with modern rolling stock

The proposed strategic investment in rail infrastructure in the recently announced Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants will only be optimised if there are modern, interoperable trains that can use it, says The Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants (ALLRAIL).

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Are you also looking in vain for the website where you can buy a train ticket to Spain? There are many reasons for this

According to (ALLRAIL Secretary General) Nick Brooks, this is due to an important difference between air and rail transport: "It is not possible to go directly from place to place by train because there are different signal systems in Europe."

"You can't just take a train and set it down on some random tracks somewhere in Europe," he explains. He also believes that a different policy is needed - indeed he even calls it 'a revolution' - in the train area, also in the ticketing system:

"It is our wish that all train tickets can be displayed and sold at all train operators and at independent train portals so that you have a fully accessible train ticket system. Only then will train travel really flourish."

"The national train companies are satisfied with things as they are. There is very little competition. If I asked 100 people in Denmark where they would buy their train tickets, 97 would answer DSB. They have a huge market share, and therefore they have no incentive to change anything."

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United States of America,

PBS TV Report on GURTF Delegation to Ukraine

US NSF - Now Showing: The PBS NewsHour STEM Coverage

In January 2024, the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force delegation visited Kyiv, accompanied by representatives from WE AID and Rail Partners, to present a donation cheque of €130,000 to the rail workers of Ukrainian Railways.

This event was covered In July 2024 by PBS News.

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United States of America,

Competition will solve US passenger rail stagnation

"In the United States, competition in the intercity rail market is the answer to the almost unusable Amtrak network. The independent non-profit association, ALLRAIL, has called for the federally bankrolled operation to face competition from the private sector. The call from the association comes as the influential Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has heard that Amtrak’s accounts are almost as unreliable as their timetable".

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ALLRAIL: Without full transparency, a single standard for ticket distribution is pointless

ALLRAIL have issued a statement, arguing for full transparency when implementing a single standard for ticket distribution.

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EU state aid rule changes aim to simplify support for sustainable transport

Armand DUTHIL of ALLRAIL said "there are some very promising elements", including "long overdue guarantees" for SMEs buying or leasing rolling stock. However, ALLRAIL has concerns about freight PSOs and the rules potentially allowing operational aid for incumbents starting new services.

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Sweet dreams vs rail nightmares

“While the lop-sided nature of the financing market persists, there must be correctional action,” says Mr Nick Brooks, secretary general of the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants (AllRail).

“All rolling stock operators should receive the same financing terms as state-owned rail incumbents, if necessary, with a similar type of state-backed guarantee. This should remain the case until the rail financing market achieves a similar level of maturity as, say, the aviation or bus sector.”

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Multimodality can herald decarbonisation by 2030 – but it requires problem solving by the EU Member States

Modal shift to rail will remain incomplete without seamless integration of multimodal ground collective public transport (otherwise known interchangeably as ‘ground‑based’ or ‘land’ or ‘land-based’ collective public transport – i.e. no flights). Contrary to car travel, rail transport suffers from a lack of visibility, granularity and reliability for day-to-day journeys.

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Midnight Trains drops plans for hotel quality sleeper train network

The AllRail association of new entrants to the rail market said Midnight Trains' announcement was 'another stark reminder that the EU passenger rail market remains much more open in legislation than it is in reality'.

ALLRAIL Policy Officer Salim Benkirane said 'The fact that Midnight Trains’ project was among the cross-border pilots that the European Commission selected should serve as a wake-up call for the new EU Parliament and Commission. How many promising passenger rail start-ups must be sacrificed before action is taken to achieve a genuine Single European Railway Area?'

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The Mainichi Shimbun: 鉄道は温室効果ガス削減の切り札か 欧州に残る高い壁とは


The ‘isolationist attitude’ of national railways is also considered to be a major barrier to the development of passenger railways in Europe. National railways account for more than 90% of the European passenger rail market, and private railway companies are not making inroads. The share of ‘ALLRAIL’ member companies, which is made up of new private companies entering the European rail market, is currently only 6%. Nick Brooks, head of ALLRAIL, says: ‘The national railways of each country continue to do business in an environment where most of their customers are people from their own country and are only interested in domestic routes. They only protect their vested interests and have little incentive to expand into other countries‘ railways or open up their own routes’.


ALLRAIL: Netherlands should waive the High-Speed Line toll

"ALLRAIL believes that the Netherlands should waive the levy it charges for the use of the high-speed railway line (HSL-Zuid) from Amsterdam to Hazeldonk. As its reason, the alliance argues that the levy is discriminatory by nature."

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ALLRAIL’s Salim Benkirane interviewed on ITV

Salim was interviewed by the British leading TV channel ITV

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RegioJet launches night train connecting Prague to Ukraine

RegioJet launched the first Open Access fully commercial passenger rail service between the European Union and Ukraine, on Tuesday evening. The service will run daily in both directions, establishing a direct connection between the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine.

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Can Europe’s trains compete with low-cost airlines?

“Spain and Italy show that with fares having decreased and ridership having grown — similar to what happened in the EU aviation market opening 30 years ago — ‘renationalisation’ is not even on the agenda” says [Nick] Brooks.

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RailTech Europe ’24: Netherlands on collision course with EU over market liberalisation in rail

On Thursday, March 7, at 11:15 a.m., the gloves will come off and proponents and opponents of market forces in rail will discuss all the possibilities and impossibilities, challenges, wishes and legislation. Secretary General of ALLRAIL, will probably point out that the Netherlands has been on thin ice with the private awarding of the main rail network concession to NS for the years 2025-2033.

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OFF THE RAILS: Global Ukraine Rail Task Force and ALLRAIL’s Nick Brooks

In the new Q and A series, ‘Off the Rails’, with figures from the rail industry, Emily Budgen from the Global Railway Review spoke to Nick Brooks, Co-Chair of the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force, and Secretary General of ALLRAIL, regarding the current situation in Ukraine, why rail is important to the Ukrainian war efforts and what would reconstruction entail for the country post-war. 

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(Interview) RTE’24: Challenges to market liberalisation in The European Union

As one of the 12 recognized rail associations representing the rail industry at a European level, the non-governmental organisation ALLRAIL, the ‘Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants in Europe,’ has been advocating for European Union (EU) regulation that will enable faster market opening in Europe since 2017. ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks discusses the core challenges to reaching their objective with RailTech.

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Zug statt Flug? Die staatlichen Bahnen bremsen beim internationalen Ticketverkauf

Grenzüberschreitende Zugfahrten sind umständlich. Dabei gäbe es wie im Fluggeschäft Portale, die Tickets verkaufen. Doch diese beklagen sich, sie würden von den Staatsbahnen gezielt behindert. Nun schalten sich Kartellbehörden ein.

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ALLRAIL and EPF: The EU Green Deal needs to make train tickets easier to find and book

The Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants (ALLRAIL) and The European Passengers' Federation (EPF) have issued a statement, calling for the EU Green Deal to review ticket purchasing.

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ALLRAIL’s Katharina Dekeyser took part in AFRA’s 2024 conference « Libérons le ferroviaire » in Paris

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ALLRAIL’s Nick Brooks attends the European Mobility Expo 2024 in Strasbourg

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ALLRAIL attends InnoTrans 2024

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ALLRAIL co-sponsors the #EuropeForRail train journey to InnoTrans 2024

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ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks attends RAIL Magazine’s 2024 National Rail Awards

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ALLRAIL honours ERA’s Executive Director Josef Doppelbauer in farewell event with other associations of the rail sector

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ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks speaks at event “Mobility of Tomorrow – What Can the Path to Lower-Emission Transport Look Like?” in Bonn, Germany

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ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks speaks at the Working Party on Rail Transport at the United Nations Economic and Social Council in Geneva

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ALLRAIL’s Armand Duthil participates in 3rd Florence Rail Regulation Conference, co-organised by the Florence School of Regulation and Centre de Recherche Droit Dauphine

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ALLRAIL Board Director Alvaro Ungurean and ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks speak about liberalisation of passenger rail ticketing at World Passenger Festival conference in Vienna

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ALLRAIL took part in the 25th Florence Rail Forum organised by the Florence School of Regulation, on the Evaluation of the Recast Directive establishing the Single European Railway Area.

ALLRAIL Board Director Tom Buchhold, ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks and some other passenger rail sector colleagues took part in the 25th Florence Rail Forum co-organised by the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation together with the European Commission’s DG MOVE, about the topic of the Evaluation of the Recast Directive establishing the Single EU Railway Area.

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ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks was one of the speakers at the annual conference of the European Passengers’ Federation, in the session about competition benefiting passengers

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ALLRAIL Board Director Richard Stuart was a speaker in the panel discussion about “Breaking Borders with International Rail” at the Better Transport Conference which took place at King’s College in London

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UK Transport in Europe (UKTiE)– about Improving The Consumer Experience In Public Transport: Rights, Technology & Accessibility


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DG CLIMA’s expert workshop on novel policies for low-carbon intermodal mobility


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ALLRAIL’s Salim Benkirane took part in the 24th Florence Rail forum on the revision of the railway state guidelines

The Forum was co-organised by the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General (DG) for Competition.

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ALLRAIL Team attends the 20th Anniversary of ERA

As the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) celebrated its 20th anniversary, ALLRAIL’s team travelled to its home city of Valenciennes to reflect on the Agency’s achievements so far.


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Transdev Mobility Sphere Conference: Mobility as a driver of social cohesion


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Live Meeting of the Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport (‘IRP’)

Our Secretary General, Nick Brooks, participated in the IRP meeting on Ticketing hosted by the United Kingdom's Transport Ministry—the Department for Transport (DfT)—at the headquarters of the UK rail regulator, the Office for Rail and Road (ORR), located at Canary Wharf in London.

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Connecting Europe Days 2024

The ALLRAIL team was present at the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels to join fellow stakeholders and discuss the future of rail competitiveness and connectivity across Europe.


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United States of America,

PBS TV Report on GURTF Delegation to Ukraine

In January 2024, the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force delegation visited Kyiv, accompanied by representatives from WE AID and Rail Partners, to present a donation cheque of €130,000 to the rail workers of Ukrainian Railways.

This event was covered In July 2024 by PBS News.

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ALLRAIL’s Salim Benkirane interviewed on ITV

Salim was interviewed by the British leading TV channel ITV

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ALLRAIL Podcast Series | #1 Introduction

ALLRAIL's Secretary General Nick Brooks introduces to our new ALLRAIL podcast series, in which we will discuss the latest policy developments in passenger rail transport in Europe.

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ALLRAIL online press conference (23rd September) – Passenger rail facing the second wave of COVID-19

Fair competition in the rail sector is crucial to securing EU climate change goals and sustainable recovery

Panelists: Erich Forster, President ALLRAIL & CEO WESTbahn

Christian Schreyer, Vice-President ALLRAIL & Transdev CEO for North & Central Europe

Nick Brooks, Secretary General ALLRAIL

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Podcast: ALLRAIL members on The Comeback of Night Trains in Europe

• Aleš Ondrůj, Senior Director Communications, RegioJet
• Carl Adam Holmberg, Head of Snälltåget
• Nick Brooks, Secretary General ALLRAIL
• Barbora Mičková, Policy Officer ALLRAIL
-> Recorded 17th June 2020

Podcast (Spotify)

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Podcast: Passenger rail after COVID-19: Update from the Member States, YouTube & Podcast discussion

After COVID-19 webinar in April 2020 ALLRAIL issued a discussion on YouTube and Podcast channels.

First episode on the impact of COVID-19 on our members:
YouTube - Key points (10min.)
YouTube Full version (50min.)
Podcast (Spotify)
Podcast (Apple)
Podcast (Google)

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Railway Gazette Events: The Future of Passenger Rail

We consider the future of passenger rail in the 2020s. There can be little doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has shaken faith in public transport, but rail remains fundamentally attractive for its ability to move people efficiently with minimal land take and an extremely low carbon footprint. This discussion will assess the outlook for passenger operators and how they might adjust to a ‘new normal’.


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ALLRAIL presentation on international passenger rail transport: How to stimulate international passenger rail?

Arthur Kamminga presented ALLRAIL vision on the topic of "How to stimulate international passenger rail?" at the Hearing on European support for international passenger rail transport at the Commission for Mobility of the Belgian House of Representatives, taking place on 17th December 2019 at the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium. 



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