
Joint Declaration of the ERTMS Stakeholders

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ALLRAIL honours ERA’s Executive Director Josef Doppelbauer in farewell event with other associations of the rail sector

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ALLRAIL: Without full transparency, a single standard for ticket distribution is pointless

ALLRAIL have issued a statement, arguing for full transparency when implementing a single standard for ticket distribution.

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Common position about the use of the current European Vehicle Number (EVN)

In the context of this ongoing reform, AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, ERFA, UIC, UIP, UIRR and UNIFE have defined a new common position about the use of the current European Vehicle Number and a vision of its evolution. They highlight the advantage of the existing EVN structure as a speaking number and they advocate keeping the authorisation (managed by manufacturers) and registration (managed by keepers) processes clearly separate.

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ALLRAIL Team attends the 20th Anniversary of ERA

As the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) celebrated its 20th anniversary, ALLRAIL’s team travelled to its home city of Valenciennes to reflect on the Agency’s achievements so far.


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