Position Papers

Position Papers


Sector priorities for the trilogue negotiations on the Regulation on the use of railway infrastructure capacity

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ALLRAIL’s Policy Paper on Multimodal Ticketing

Modal shift to rail will remain incomplete without seamless integration of multimodal ground collective public transport (otherwise known interchangeably as ‘ground‑based’ or ‘land’ or ‘land-based’ collective public transport – i.e. no flights). Contrary to car travel, rail transport suffers from a lack of visibility, granularity and reliability for day-to-day journeys.


Common position about the use of the current European Vehicle Number (EVN)

In the context of this ongoing reform, AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, ERFA, UIC, UIP, UIRR and UNIFE have defined a new common position about the use of the current European Vehicle Number and a vision of its evolution. They highlight the advantage of the existing EVN structure as a speaking number and they advocate keeping the authorisation (managed by manufacturers) and registration (managed by keepers) processes clearly separate.

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Comments on the Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) regulation to the European Union Agency for Railways

ALLRAIL, AERRL and ERFA-European Rail Freight Association submitted their comments on the Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) regulation to the European Union Agency for Railways.


ALLRAIL Feedback to the Public Consultation – Proposal for a Regulation on passenger rights in the context of multimodal journeys

ALLRAIL welcomes the European Commission's prompt initiative to address the challenges of multimodal travel, ensuring a smoother passenger experience. We value the Commission's commitment to stakeholder consultation, recognising its crucial role in enhancing rail transport's appeal and sustainability in alignment with the EU Green Deal objectives.

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The Risks coming from Cross-border Hybrid Public Service Obligations

This paper calls for the abolition of the Hybrid Public Service Obligation (PSO) model in long-distance cross-border rail services in Europe.

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How to Finance EU Commercially Driven “Open Access” Long-Distance Passenger Rail Rolling Stock, Both Cross-Border and Domestic

The EU Commission or EU Member States as rolling stock assets managers is not the solution. Instead, the involvement of more private investment will help to both finance and operate a higher number of long-distance passenger rail departures and meet the growing demand for passenger rail services.

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EU Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the Use of Railway Infrastructure Capacity in the Single European Railway Area

ALLRAIL welcomes the EU Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the Use of Railway Capacity in the Single European Railway Area (SERA). This proposal comes at a timely juncture to amend and complement Directive 2012/34/EU in order to take into account major developments that have occurred in European rail transport since the adoption of the aforementioned Directive.

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Creating a single European rail capacity market – RUs´ position on unified processes

Railway Undertakings – organised in FTE, ERFA and Allrail – consider the single European market as a necessary ambition to allow seamless domestic and cross-border traffic making running a train as easy as running a truck or a bus.

Therefore, to improve customer services, reduce the hurdles for cross-border trains, and for business expansion, RUs ask IMs and policymakers for the creation of a real single European rail capacity market, without specific national standards. The goal is that the capacity planning is done the same way all over Europe, no matter if on one IM network or across several borders. This shall be supported by a harmonised European legal framework.

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Efficient digitalisation to support European rail capacity management – RUs´ position on IT in capacity management

Railway Undertakings – organised in FTE, ERFA and Allrail – consider efficient handling of the capacity management process as key to improving quality and reducing costs. With increasing traffic volumes and TCRs, the increased data flow requires modern, customer-oriented IT support across Europe.

The goal of RUs therefore is to have efficient backing by the IT landscape of IMs, aligned across Europe, making no difference between national and international traffic, covering all capacities and all process steps using end-to-end standards.

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Providing the capacity which and when the market needs it – RUs´ position on market-oriented capacity management

Railway Undertakings (RUs) – organised in FTE, ERFA and Allrail – consider suitable timetables as the essential basis for providing satisfying services to rail freight and passenger customers.

Therefore, the goal of rail infrastructure capacity management is to provide the necessary quantity and quality capacity for all traffic needs at the time when it is required by the customers. With existing capacity processes not fulfilling all these needs, RUs ask for a common, European-wide improved process, supported by the necessary legal framework.

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European Rail Manifesto: Reaching EU Climate goals by making rail the first choice for European travel in 2030

In the framework of the #ConnectingEurope Days in Lyon (June 2022), ALLRAIL along with other European actors of the rail sector, industry, civil society, passengers and workers associations came up together with the European Rail Manifesto.

In this manifesto, we commit to working towards a collaborative rail ecosystem that provides affordable, inclusive, secure and green mobility for all European Citizens by 2030, in order to progress with a modal shift in which medium and long-distance passenger transport is the backbone.

Our 2030 European Rail Vision is based on six objectives to be reached by 2030:

  1. Make rail the backbone of sustainable mobility;
  2. Ensure inclusiveness, competitiveness and affordability;
  3. Guarantee connectedness, service levels and infrastructure quality;
  4. Promote a green, inclusive, attractive, gender-balanced and qualified industry and jobs;
  5. Ensure good governance, high quality, reliability and security;
  6. Finance and invest in the future of rail.

In addition, we call upon European institutions and Member states to support our commitment. 

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Trans-European transport network EU Commission proposal: a wonderful opportunity to make ERTMS deployment priority number one

With the introduction of the Commission's trans-European transport network proposal (TEN-T), AERRL and ALLRAIL would like to emphasise the need for making the ERTMS the priority number one for the future of rail. This would require obligations on the part of the players, in order to ensure deployment based on transparent and synchronised planning as well as ambitious subsidy programmes coming from the Commission.

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How to optimize TCR processes to strengthen rail transport in Europe

Railway Undertakings rely on high quality rail paths to be competitive in the European transport sector. Temporary Capacity Restrictions are massively influencing rail transport day by day. On the one hand, construction work is urgently needed to make the rail network in Europe more attractive and, on the other hand, current operations must not suffer as a result. In this area of conflict, it is necessary to optimize existing processes for IMs to be able to offer the needed capacity reliably and make rail transport more competitive.

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Railway undertakings’ position on International Body for Compliance: Giving relevance to cross border rail capacity management

Customers want rail travel in Europe to be as easy as using a truck or a bus, which subsequently pushes railway undertakings (RUs) to seek fluid capacity allocation for international traffics. A major challenge to that is the existing national orientation of capacity management. To make the Single European Railway Area a success, enhanced cooperation between partners is needed. To support international alignment, defend the RUs market needs and provide neutrality for conflicts, RUs in FTE, ERFA and ALLRAIL require:

  • improved international alignment by IMs as already legally required for a decade in 2012/34/EU and
  • an IM- and RU-independent international escalation mechanism.
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Railway undertakings’ position on commercial conditions: Keeping customer promises

Railway Undertakings (RUs) – organised by FTE, ERFA and ALLRAIL – believe that customer-oriented capacity management is key to rails success. This requires motivation support, stimulating market oriented, capacity friendly behaviour at the involved actors.

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Using a digital platform as the single European Database for the ERTMS deployment on the European Core Network Corridors: the missing link to accelerating its deployment and growth

The rail rolling stock keepers are very interested in the modernisation of existing as well as new rolling stock. As a means of support to private investments in rail rolling stock, AERRL and ALLRAIL call for the creation of a data tool at a European level which will encourage funders to make investments that consider the current situation and the planning of future ERTMS deployment. This tool is the critical link to an accelerated deployment, which is a key condition to achieving the EU-wide standards for the railways. This will ensure sustainable growth in the coming years through safe, efficient, high-quality transport services. The database will coordinate the decisions that infrastructure managers and rolling stock owners make. Its development should be a priority for European Core Network Corridors.

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Endlich am Zug: Zweite Bahnreform: Gemeinsame Positionen im Eisenbahnsektor


Positionspapier zu den Angaben der Deutschen Bahn AG bzgl. der Ablehnung der Angebotsreduktion DB Fernverkehr

Die DB Fernverkehr AG betreibt eigenwirtschaftlichen Eisenbahnpersonenfernverkehr. Im sogenannten Lockdown I (Frühjahr 2020) entschied sie sich trotz einer Auslastung von unter 10% für die Aufrechterhaltung von nahezu 100% des Angebots. Damit unterschied sie sich von allen anderen Staatsbahnen Europas, die große Teile ihrer Verkehre einstellten. Ziel sei es nach DB-Angaben gewesen, ein eigenes Angebot neben der Grundversorgung der Regionalverkehre anzubieten.



Position Paper about a future “EU Railscanner”

We welcome the initiative of the current EU German Presidency to boost and facilitate cross-border travel by trains. Across Europe, there are already nine independent digital platforms that enable customers to choose between different rail options and providers.


New Report: 25 Years of Open Access Success

The operator First Rail published a report on the strong track record of Open Access since its subsidiary Hull Trains launched in 2000 - and it looks to serve dozens of new destinations in the future. The new Report sets out the economic case for how Open Access can attract people out of cars and planes and onto trains, growing the entire rail sector, while investing in train fleets and customer service.

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Czech Republic: a New Report by RegioJet report alleges ČD received illegal State aid

ALLRAIL member, independent operator RegioJet has published a detailed report on how it believes that the state-owned incumbent passenger rail operator Czech Railways (ČD) has been the beneficiary of illegal State Aid, and warns of another attempt in the making.

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Open-Access übertrifft Taktfahrplan bei der Optimierung der gesellschaftlichen Wohlfahrt

Vor dem Hintergrund des Vorschlags EU-Kommission für eine Verordnung zum Kapazitätsmanagement im EU-Bahnmarkt wurde eine neue akademische Studie von Professor Thomas Ehrmann (Universität Münster) veröffentlicht. Diese Studie untersucht das Konzept des Taktfahrplans kritisch, wobei Daten und empirische Belege aus Schweden, Spanien und der Schweiz herangezogen werden, und bewertet dessen Auswirkungen auf Deutschland im Rahmen des vorgeschlagenen Deutschlandtakts.

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Open Access Long-Distance Rail Outperforms Clockface Timetables in Enhancing Societal Welfare

In the light of the EU Commission's proposal for a Regulation on the Use of Railway Infrastructure in the Single European Railway Area (SERA), a new academic report has been published by Professor Thomas Ehrmann of the University of Münster in Germany. This report critically examines the concept of clockface timetables, using data and empirical evidence from Sweden, Spain and Switzerland as well as assessing its implications for Germany under the proposed "Deutschlandtakt".  

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The Renewed PSO Regulation And Its Consequences For The Dutch Main Railway Network

This study commissioned by ALLRAIL is to assist both the competent authorities in the Netherlands and the European Union. This study provides an overview of the legal frameworks, analyses the structure and composition of the Dutch rail market and gives an overview of the options for shaping the main rail network as of 1 January 2025 in compliance with the PSO Regulation.

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De vernieuwde PSO-verordening en haar gevolgen voor het Nederlandse Hoofdrailnet

Het doel van het voorliggende onderzoek is een handreiking te zijn richting zowel de bevoegde autoriteiten in Nederland als op het niveau van de Europese Unie. Dit onderzoek geeft een overzicht van de juridische kaders, analyseert de structuur en opbouw van de Nederlandse spoormarkt en geeft een overzicht welke mogelijkheden er zijn om het Hoofdrailnet per 1 januari 2025 met inachtneming van de PSO-verordening vorm te geven.

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Tulsa, OK, USA,

Why It Is Important To Support Ukraine (By Jon M. McGrath)

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has far-reaching consequences, resulting in immense suffering for the citizens of Ukraine and destabilizing the region. However, amidst the turmoil, Ukraine's struggle for victory is not only a matter of territorial integrity but also a fight for democratic values, human rights, and the preservation of international order. This white paper will outline several compelling reasons why Ukraine should emerge triumphant in the war, emphasizing the importance of justice, self-determination, sovereignty, and the promotion of a peaceful and inclusive global community ruled by law.

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Tulsa, OK, USA,

Executive Summary – Why It Is Important To Support Ukraine (By Jon M. McGrath)

The following is a chronological history of the obligations of the United States and key reasons why it is important to support Ukraine. This is over a year of research and first-hand knowledge on why it is important to support Ukraine.
I am reminded by one of our Task Force colleagues Peter Gibbons, Chief Security Officer of Network Rail in the United Kingdom: “This war is about Freedom. Either you are for it, or you are against it. It is that simple.”
- Jon M. McGrath

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Smart and affordable rail services in the EU: a socio-economic and environmental study for High-Speed in 2030 and 2050

Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking – in collaboration with ALLRAIL, CER and UNIFE – commissioned a study exploring the socio-economic and environmental benefits of the establishing of a European High-Speed Rail (HSR) connecting the main European cities and regions, combining investments in constructing creating/upgrading new HSR lines and upgrading the digitalization and automation of existing ones, i.e. ERTMS.

The study's report confirms that investing in a comprehensive European HSR network will deliver added value to European society and massively reduce the environmental footprint of European passenger transport. The report proposes a master plan for HSR network connecting all EU capitals and major cities and calls for the Commission and Member States for a coordinated implementation with sufficient funding in the next decades. Such comprehensive network equalling at least tripling of the existing HSR network will certainly require high investment costs averaging to €550 billion but in return deliver a net positive benefit in the range of €750 billion to society.

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Joint letter on the European Commission’s call for the introduction of a fuel tax for planes and ships

Representatives of civil society, parts of the rail sector and sustainable aviation fuels industry, are calling attention to developments on the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD), where worrying negotiations could lead to a continuation of a tax exemption for fossil jet fuel and marine fuels until 2049, a year before the continent is supposed to reach climate neutrality.

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Joint Letter on the Commission’s Request to the European Agency of Railway to Revise the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs)

The European Commission has launched a consultation regarding its future request to the European Agency of Railways to develop and review the technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs): the legal Framework establishing mandatory requirements for the rail system in the Union.

AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, EAL, EIM, FEDECRAIL, NB-Rail, UIP, UIRR, UITP and UNIFE called to focus on important items, primarily signalling (ERTMS), harmonisation of operation rules, railway communication systems (FRMCS), and the Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC).

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Joint letter: We can make travelling by rail cheaper by reducing rail tolls

An alliance of rail operators, ticket vendors and civil society, committed to make rail more affordable, calls upon the the Member States to:

  • Reduce rail tolls for trains with high capacity. Passenger trains should aim at offering as many seats as possible per train to incentivise a high load factor;
  • Reduce rail tolls for night trains and cross-border trains;

The alliance also calls upon the European Commission to:

  • Revise the Single European Railway Area Directive (2012/34/EU) to set incentives for lower rail tolls for the segments mentioned above. The upcoming guidelines4 will not be sufficient to achieve change. Legislative action is needed to stop excessive tolls.

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Open letter to EU Commission President Von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Vălean: Urgent Demand for a European Night Train Strategy

We, the undersigned ministers, members of Parliament, civil society organisations, and industry groups call on EU Commission President Von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Vălean to act upon the recent renaissance of night trains and present a European strategy for developing a comprehensive night train network.

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Wydawanie decyzji zgodnie z unijnymi terminami? Jak regulator chce, to może!

19 czerwca w Dzienniku Urzędowym Prezesa Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego pojawiła się decyzja o przyznaniu 31 maja otwartego dostępu dla pasażerskich przewozów kolejowych na trasie Warszawa Wschodnia – Hrebenne (gr.) – Warszawa Wschodnia przewoźnikowi SKPL Cargo.

ALLRAIL pragnie pogratulować organowi regulacyjnemu pierwszego w historii poprawnego zastosowania regulacji europejskich przy wydawaniu decyzji otwartodostępowej.

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Open letter to EVP Timmermans: Multimodal Digital Mobility Services – Friends of MDMS call for ambition, halfway measures are unacceptable

Friends of MDMS, comprised of ALLRAIL, BEUC, BT4Europe, ECTAA, EPF, eu travel tech, Europe on Rail, GBTA, mofair and Transport & Environment, call on EU Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans to ensure that the Commission keeps a high level of ambition for the forthcoming initiative on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services. The interests of European travellers and reaching the EU climate goals must remain at the heart of the initiative.

Any downgrading in the level of ambition for this initiative would translate into missing the opportunity of unleashing the potential of MDMS as modal shift and competition enablers. 

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Open letter: ALLRAIL’s response to the allegations of the Polish rail regulator UTK containing false information about the level of competitiveness in the Polish passenger rail market

Our international non-profit association ALLRAIL would like to address the recent allegations of the Polish rail regulator UTK that contain deliberately misleading information about the level of competitiveness in the Polish passenger rail market.

In this open letter to UTK, we refute the latter's narrative with concrete evidence and demonstrate its highly partial behaviour in favour of state incumbent PKP Intercity. We also offer UTK the opportunity of a meeting in order to discuss our urgent concerns about its independence and neutrality.

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List otwarty do UTK: Odpowiedź ALLRAIL w sprawie zarzutów Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego o podawanie nieprawdziwych informacji na temat konkurencyjności rynku kolejowego w Polsce

Międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie non-profit ALLRAIL, pragnąc odnieść się do zarzutów Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego (UTK) o podawanie nieprawdziwych informacji na temat konkurencyjności rynku kolejowego w Polsce, przesyła w załączeniu odpowiedź obalającą narrację organu regulacyjnego o otwarciu na liberalizację rynku.

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Brandbrief over Voornemen Nederlandse Hoofdrailnetconcessie

Europese belangenorganisatie ALLRAIL waarschuwt de Vaste Kamercommissie voor Infrastructuur en Waterstaat in een brandbrief dat een “extreme tunnelvisie” op het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat de ontwikkeling van het Nederlandse Hoofdrailnet blokkeert. Daarnaast ligt het ministerie op ramkoers met de Europese Commissie doordat IenW weigert Europese marktordeningsregels na te leven, waarmee zij de geloofwaardigheid van het Europese spoorbeleid ondermijnt.

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Extension of Regulation Establishing Measures for a Sustainable Rail Market in View of the COVID-19 Outbreak

With this letter, the undersigned associations strongly urge the European Commission to extend Regulation 2020/1429 by a further 6 months. To achieve the European Commission’s modal shift objectives introduced under the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, continuous support to the rail sector is needed.


Open letter to Ms. Ursula von der Leyen: The development of an EU Testing Protocol for travel

The undersigned associations, representing the travel and tourism sectors and their workers, are fully supportive of the Commission’s proposed EU coordination framework for travel restrictions.
