
ALLRAIL Board Director Richard Stuart was a speaker in the panel discussion about “Breaking Borders with International Rail” at the Better Transport Conference which took place at King’s College in London

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Live Meeting of the Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport (‘IRP’)

Our Secretary General, Nick Brooks, participated in the IRP meeting on Ticketing hosted by the United Kingdom's Transport Ministry—the Department for Transport (DfT)—at the headquarters of the UK rail regulator, the Office for Rail and Road (ORR), located at Canary Wharf in London.

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Bahnreisende in Großbritannien können ihre Fahrscheine wesentlich leichter als in der EU kaufen – Es ist Zeit, dies zu ändern

Im Großbritannien werden alle Bahnfahrkarten bei allen Fahrkartenverkäufern verkauft. Die Deutsche Bahn (DB) und ihr Lobbyverband verweigern dies jedoch in Deutschland und der EU - warum schränken sie die Bahnoptionen ein, die Fahrgäste buchen können?


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Passengers Can Book Rail Journeys Much More Easily in the UK than in the EU – It’s Time for EU Transport Commissioner Vălean’s New MDMS Proposal to Put Passengers First

In the United Kingdom, All Rail Tickets Are Sold at All Rail Ticket Vendors.Yet Deutsche Bahn (DB) and its lobby refuse this in Germany and the EU – Why Are They Restricting the Operators that Passengers Can Book?


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‘Rail Partners with Ukraine’ Fundraiser Raises £105,847 For Donation Campaign For Ukrainian Frontline Railway Workers

On Tuesday 12 September 2023, the UK-based rail non-profit Rail Partners hosted ‘Rail Partners with Ukraine’, a collective railway fundraiser. The special event in London, in aid of the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force and its food package campaign, raised £105 847 (equals €122 867 and $131 860), which means that approximately 7056 of food parcels can be delivered directly to Ukrainian railway workers and their families

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