EU Commission

Ursula von der Leyen Correctly Identifies Ticketing Fragmentation as the Biggest Problem in EU Passenger Rail

In her Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission, the re-elected President of the EU Commission Dr Ursula von der Leyen correctly identifies the fragmentation of ticketing as the biggest problem in EU passenger rail. The next 5 years of the new EU Commission will be crucial to legislate and introduce solutions – it is Now or Never.

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ALLRAIL Armand Duthil participated in the 3rd Florence Rail Regulation Conference, co-organised by the Florence School of Regulation and Centre de Recherche Droit Dauphine (Université Paris Dauphine – PSL/PSL Research University).

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Transmodel is the Only Rail Ticketing Standard that Ensures Transparency and Non-Discrimination for Passengers

Transmodel is the technical standard that is best suited for creating impartial and seamless ticketing in passenger rail. It provides passengers with all possibilities to plan their rail journey and is the only ticketing standard that is fully transparent.

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Germany: Reducing Track Access Charges Increases Societal Welfare, According to a New Academic Report

A new academic study shows that falling track access charges increase societal welfare. Conversely, higher track access charges have a negative impact on it. Germany already has the highest track access charges in Europe, with a further increase of around 20% by 2025. Reducing track access charges to marginal cost level is the most economically efficient measure to increase rail transport.

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Open-Access übertrifft Taktfahrplan bei der Optimierung der gesellschaftlichen Wohlfahrt

Vor dem Hintergrund des Vorschlags EU-Kommission für eine Verordnung zum Kapazitätsmanagement im EU-Bahnmarkt wurde eine neue akademische Studie von Professor Thomas Ehrmann (Universität Münster) veröffentlicht. Diese Studie untersucht das Konzept des Taktfahrplans kritisch, wobei Daten und empirische Belege aus Schweden, Spanien und der Schweiz herangezogen werden, und bewertet dessen Auswirkungen auf Deutschland im Rahmen des vorgeschlagenen Deutschlandtakts.

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