PSO & Open Access

ALLRAIL Armand Duthil participated in the 3rd Florence Rail Regulation Conference, co-organised by the Florence School of Regulation and Centre de Recherche Droit Dauphine (Université Paris Dauphine – PSL/PSL Research University).

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EU state aid rule changes aim to simplify support for sustainable transport

Armand DUTHIL of ALLRAIL said "there are some very promising elements", including "long overdue guarantees" for SMEs buying or leasing rolling stock. However, ALLRAIL has concerns about freight PSOs and the rules potentially allowing operational aid for incumbents starting new services.

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Washington D.C.,

In the Land of Enterprise, it’s Time for More Competition in Intercity Rail

The US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is concerned about the lack of improvements at Amtrak following the record levels of funding that it has received. Some comparisons were made to rail in Europe. However, high-speed rail in Europe only became affordable for most citizens and more efficient after intramodal competition was introduced.


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The Renewed PSO Regulation And Its Consequences For The Dutch Main Railway Network

This study commissioned by ALLRAIL is to assist both the competent authorities in the Netherlands and the European Union. This study provides an overview of the legal frameworks, analyses the structure and composition of the Dutch rail market and gives an overview of the options for shaping the main rail network as of 1 January 2025 in compliance with the PSO Regulation.

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De vernieuwde PSO-verordening en haar gevolgen voor het Nederlandse Hoofdrailnet

Het doel van het voorliggende onderzoek is een handreiking te zijn richting zowel de bevoegde autoriteiten in Nederland als op het niveau van de Europese Unie. Dit onderzoek geeft een overzicht van de juridische kaders, analyseert de structuur en opbouw van de Nederlandse spoormarkt en geeft een overzicht welke mogelijkheden er zijn om het Hoofdrailnet per 1 januari 2025 met inachtneming van de PSO-verordening vorm te geven.

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