Czech Republic

154% Growth: Czechia is the Hidden Gem of EU Passenger Rail

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ALLRAIL: Oszczędności dzięki przetargom. Niestety, nie w Polsce

Pociągi międzynarodowe Praga – Gdynia dostarczają kolejnego argumentu na rzecz wybierania operatorów w drodze otwartego przetargu zamiast powierzenia bezpośredniego – uważają przedstawiciele stowarzyszenia niezależnych przewoźników pasażerskich ALLRAIL. Jak wskazują, po obu stronach granicy przewoźnicy obsługujący połączenie zostali wybrani w różnej formule, co ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na koszty ponoszone przez polskich i czeskich podatników.

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Directly Awarded Public Service Obligations (PSOs) Can Cost Twice as Much as Competitive Tenders – Taxpayer Money is Wasted, Which Could Be Better Used Elsewhere

Later this year, a new subsidised cross-border long distance service will connect Prague (Czech Republic) to Gdynia (Poland). This service was competitively tendered in the Czech Republic and directly awarded in Poland. How much will the taxpayer of each country pay for this very same train service?

  • In the Czech Republic, where the service was competitively tendered, taxpayers will pay €3.11 per train-kilometre;
  • In Poland, where the contract was directly awarded, taxpayers will pay €7.09 per train-km, expected to rise to €9.18/train-km!
Read the press release

Polsko zaplatí za kilometr vlaku z Prahy k Baltu dvakrát více než Česko. Nesoutěžilo

Podle sdružení alternativních dopravců rozdíl ukazuje výhodu soutěží

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Czech Republic: Court Declares Non-Reappointment Of Rail Regulator’s Ex-President Unlawful, Amidst Plans to Dissolve The Regulator

The Czech Republic's rail regulator, ÚPDI, is on the brink of dissolution, despite a recent court decision on the process of reappointment of the ex-President. Our previous warnings are now a stark reality.

The Ministry of Transport's quick pivot to merge ÚPDI with the National Competition Authority (NCA) under flimsy cost-saving pretexts exposes deeper issues.

Read the Press Release