Draghi Report Makes It Clear: The EU Rail Market Remains Fragmented
In his report on the Future of EU Competitiveness, Mario Draghi laments the fragmentation of the EU passenger rail system.
You Can Create a Single European Railway Area Over the Next 5 Years
After six months, Armand Duthil is coming to the end of his traineeship at ALLRAIL. During this period, he witnessed the elections in both parliaments of the European Union and of his home country, France.
Therefore, at the end of his time with us, we asked: “How do you see the Future of Passenger Rail?"
Majority of the Dutch Favour Market Opening Over Even More Subsidy for Dutch Railways (NS)
A recent panel study reveals public opinion favours introducing more market opening as the most effective solution to the problems facing state-owned incumbent operator Dutch Railways ('NS'), rather than just giving NS more taxpayer subsidy.
Meerderheid Nederlanders Wil Meer Marktopening, Boven Nog Meer Subsidies Voor Nederlandse Spoorwegen (‘NS’)
Uit een recente panelstudie blijkt dat de publieke opinie de invoering van meer marktopening als de meest effectieve oplossing beschouwt voor de problemen van Nederlandse Spoorwegen ('NS'), in plaats van het verstrekken van meer belastinggeld.
ALLRAIL: CEF will only be optimised with modern rolling stock
The proposed strategic investment in rail infrastructure in the recently announced Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants will only be optimised if there are modern, interoperable trains that can use it, says The Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants (ALLRAIL).